"Life is rarely perfect. Those who struggle financially face hardship, while even the wealthy have their share of worries. But being part of Tzu Chi gives us the opportunity to help those in need. When we witness the suffering of others, we're reminded of how blessed we are. Sure, we might not have everything we want, but we have more than enough. When we embrace contentment, happiness naturally follows. By staying grateful and giving selflessly, we can build better relationships and inspire others to walk the path of goodness, creating a better world for all."


Venerable Master Cheng Yen reminds us that blessings aren't something you can wish or ask for—they come from action. Just like eating: no one else can eat for you. To create blessings, you have to take action yourself. If you only watch others make an effort but don't get involved, you won't experience the rewards. That's why it's important to act and to give without expecting anything in return. If you're constantly focused on what you'll gain, you'll never feel satisfied. Instead, when you let go of expectations and put your heart into helping others, you'll discover joy in the moment. Along the way, you'll build meaningful connections with like-minded people, which is a priceless reward in itself.


"Living with the guidance of the Buddha's teachings is like walking on a clear and steady path. It helps us avoid confusion and stay grounded. Without this clarity, it's easy to get lost in materialism or let desires lead us astray. Some people misuse their wealth and unknowingly create problems for themselves. Spending money isn't wrong, but how we spend it matters."


"We often hear about how valuable diamonds are, but the truth is, everyone carries an 'inner diamond'—something beautiful, strong, and deeply valuable. Unlike material possessions, this inner treasure never fades. Over time, we've planted seeds of goodness and wisdom in our hearts. Now, it's up to us to nurture them through consistent effort. With focus and determination, we can reconnect with our true, enlightened selves."


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