Tame Desires with Wisdom, Find Peace Within|用智慧降伏欲念 讓心境輕安自在
No matter what challenges life brings, our hearts should remain calm and steady. Dharma Master Cheng Yen reminds us:
"Knowledge should be a wellspring of wisdom, not a source of endless desires. If we let our hearts be led by cravings, no amount of knowledge will bring us peace. Instead, we'll always be chasing after something more—only to find that unfulfilled longing leads to suffering. True fulfillment comes from taming our desires and using wisdom to bring out the best in life. When we do this, our hearts can feel light, content, and at ease every day."
The Master continues:
"Because I am content, my heart is free and at peace—like a well of still water. The well's water springs forth continuously, providing for all who need it, yet never running dry. It nourishes the world without limit. My only wish is to keep it flowing, doing my best to ensure it never dries up. I don't compete with others, with situations, or with the world—but I do race against time, making the most of every moment. I hope everyone will cultivate both wisdom and blessings, and in doing so, experience a truly rich and fulfilling life."
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