起心動念 言談舉止 都是修行|Mindful in Thought, Word, and Action
Cultivating a content heart helps eliminate greed. When we live with a sense of contentment each day, gratitude and joy naturally arise, making us more willing to give and help others, thereby nurturing virtue.
Venerable Master Cheng Yen teaches, "Spiritual practice is about cultivating virtue, and only through action can we gain true realization. Every day, we should reflect on our actions: What did I do today? Did I make any mistakes? If not, I can have peace of mind. Whom did I speak with today? What knowledge did I gain? How did I grow in wisdom?"
"When we do what is right, our wisdom grows; when we act wrongly, we diminish virtue and add to our faults. That is why we must be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions every day. Through continuous self-reflection and diligent practice, we can elevate the purpose of our lives over time."
In life, we inevitably encounter people who see and do things differently from us, and criticism often follows. However, Venerable Master Cheng Yen sees criticism as a reminder to avoid mistakes. She even expresses gratitude to those who criticize her, recognizing them as teachers in her journey of growth.
The Master says, "No one is perfect. Just as all religions have pure and noble teachings, their followers are still human and bound to make mistakes. Misunderstandings between people often occur due to lack of interactions. But as long as we recognize this and treat each other with respect, we can all practice wholesome teachings and be a positive influence on others."
This article is excerpted from the English Tzu Chi Monthly. For the full text, please refer to:慈濟月刊668期
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