Life is full of unexpected changes. When things don't go as planned or catch us off guard, it often disturbs our peace of mind. This is something we all experience from time to time.


Venerable Master Cheng Yen teaches that most people are often entangled in various emotional attachments, unable to break free. When the mind is trapped in emotions, wisdom becomes clouded, leading to suffering in life. However, if we understand the impermanence of life and the principle of cause and effect—that everything arises due to certain causes and conditions—then we can learn to let go. Those with wisdom will not be held back by emotional attachments or resentment.


When we grasp the law of karma—that everything happens as a result of our own past actions—we stop blaming others or external circumstances. Instead, we turn inward, reflect on ourselves, and let go of resentment. This shift in mindset brings clarity and inner peace.


Venerable Master Cheng Yen reminds us, "Since we have chosen to follow the Buddha, we must understand his teachings. When faced with difficulties, we should learn to resolve them within ourselves. Otherwise, no amount of external advice can truly help. Even if the path is right before us, we won't be able to walk it. Practicing Buddhism means learning to let go and see things clearly—only then will we find the way forward."


This may sound simple, but in reality, it is very difficult. Venerable Master Cheng Yen also says, "If we cannot untangle the knots in our hearts, we will remain trapped in suffering. Only by seeing things with clarity can we move forward on the path ahead. Otherwise, we will never reach our destination."


The path of spiritual practice is never-ending. It requires constant mindfulness—every word we speak and every action we take is part of the practice.
Venerable Master Cheng Yen likens this journey to eating a meal. No one else can eat for you; only by eating yourself can you be nourished. In the same way, no one can walk your path for you—you must take each step on your own to move forward.

This article is excerpted from the English Tzu Chi Monthly. For the full text, please refer to:慈濟月刊690期
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