有「捨」才有「得」,人若能將知識轉為智慧, 自然會捨去計較心,無所求地付出。
無所求的人生才是真正幸褔的人生, 人生最怕的是「求不得」── 想擁有卻得不到。 
所以我常鼓勵大家要「捨得」; 要「捨」才有「得」,若只想求而不肯「捨」, 那就會「求」而「不得」, 這種「求不得」的心是很痛苦的。 

It Is in Giving that We Receive If we can turn our knowledge into wisdom, we will naturally be able to let go of our pettiness and instead give to others unconditionally. 
A life without expectations is a life of genuine happiness. 
In life, what is most dreadful is to have unfulfilled desires: wanting something but being unable to have it. This is why I always encourage everyone to practice giving.

(Mirror of the Heart: The Power of Mindfulness)

乃取自 證嚴上人重要相關著作,加以精選編修,採中英對照,由慈濟美國法譬如水翻譯團隊承擔翻譯工作。

全書共分三大部分,「如是因,如是果」、「修行即修心」以及「菩薩訓練場」等,對應到生活日常。常言道「捨得」、「捨不得」,在 上人的開示中,我們可深思一二。



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